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Leisure in Luxembourg

  Traveling allows you to truly enjoy yourself, leaving behind the worries and routines of your daily life. It's during these moments that you realize the vastness of the world and the multitude of experiences awaiting beyond your immediate surroundings. This sense of discovery and freedom was exactly what I felt during my weekend trip to Luxembourg. There was no specific event to attend or landmark to visit; it was simply another country I wanted to tick off my list. Traveling in Europe is exceptionally convenient. One can pack a bag and set off without worrying about a passport for short trips. Even for a day trip, crossing borders is hassle-free compared to the cumbersome procedures experienced elsewhere. This ease of travel makes spontaneous adventures possible, and that’s how my journey to Luxembourg began. Early on a bright Saturday morning, my mother and I boarded a train headed towards Koblenz. We had to transfer in Dortmund because, realistically, no direct train fro

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