Start of 2021


For the start of 2021, I want to try something new. And after tons of consideration and thinking, I wanted to do something related to creativity and some other aspects that I feel deeply affected by. After the rubbish year that we all had to go through I wanted to share something with everyone and during 2020 I just had a lot of time to figure it out. A lot of people claim that they are not creative at all. But one thing that we don´t realize is that we are all creative, but we just don´t know it yet. One thing we can do is to just try. Another thing I found helpful is to stop comparing myself with others since from personal experience I´ve learned that you may not find your artwork good enough, but for others, it may be a masterwork. Therefore my advice for anyone who want to share something is to just do it. Be unafraid and share your masterworks with the world. You have got nothing to lose. And if you want to remain anonymous you can always share your artworks under a brand name which will make you ,the artist, anonymous but not your artworks.

In this blog, I will be focusing on different types of how one can be creative and express yourself. For me personally, sometimes words are just not enough, so I turned to other ways of expressing myself. Is it photography, writing, design, drawing, or painting. I always loved to use my free time to do something creative. But sometimes I just don´t have the resources and therefore turn to learn something else that I always found interesting. By learning about a new topic I always found it easier to express myself better. And some other time when I don´t want to do anything, I just like to spend time thinking about things that is going on in my life, which leads me to a completely different and new inspiration source.

Since I am also a ridiculously indecisive person, I also wanted to share some unique words that I have discovered. And publish some other things that I found interesting. Due to the interest of many people I have met. I would also post stories that I have experienced in form of writing, which is also a form of creativity.

Interestingly for me, I always found inspiration in the corners of the world where I would not expect it at all. Is it from bad news happening around the world to the street sign that I would walk past every day. There is something everywhere if we would only look up we may see things that we may dismiss.

For me, this blog will be an experiment and I really hope you enjoy it. I am just curious where this blog can go. And I hope you will join me on this journey to discover a whole new side of creativity that even you can achieve. Maybe you may even be inspired to do something of your own in the near future. I will try to post something new every week and let's see how well it goes.

If you want to know more about me and my motivation, I have written passages about that in the about me page.

With lots of love Aurelia