Photos (IV)

This article is really special especially to my mother because I finally left my room to take these pictures. My mother couldn’t be happier and neither can I. Honestly, after being locked inside for this whole time it was nice to go out into the public again. What made it even better is that the lockdown put a bit of perspective into my life.

Before corona, I would not leave the house due to severe paranoia but after being under lockdown, I realize I don’t give as much as a what… So what that I have a nagging feeling that I am being followed and somebody is watching my every move. So what if people make fun of me for screwing up in public. I could not give less of a crap because at the end of the day, people will stare and people will laugh but will they remember or will I be affected? No. Not specifically unless I let it affect me but why should I let something this trivial affect me? In a year or so people will not even remember me and my screw up.

However, the reason why I like to go out again is not the reason why I am writing this article. Honestly, the paranoia can be a complete article on its own. This article is about photos I took. I have to admit that I did take some pictures in the garden because it is cherry blossoms, I cannot resist.

This time I will try to resist the urge to explain the decisions I made leading up to the pictures. I swear I will regret this but I need to publish articles that are shorter than two thousand words. I just need to prove to myself that nothing bad will happen when an article I publish has under two thousand words. Where better to start than an article mostly filled with pictures.

Cherry blossom apple tree in the garden. I have to admit the quality of these pictures is a bit bad but… okay there is no ‘but’ the quality is just terribly pixelated and I have no idea why. Nevertheless, the focus should be on the flowers and not the pixelated monstrosity making up the flowers.

As mentioned in the previous article, I adore cherry blossoms and flowers that look like them for their simplicity. The cherry blossom season also means a lot to me. Therefore, I am incredibly sad at how these pictures turned out.

Don’t get me wrong, the pictures are not bad but they can be better to make the already elegant cherry blossom even more beautiful. Let the beauty shine through as they say in the beauty/cosmetic industry.

For the following pictures, I went out with a friend who lives in Bochum because she is studying there and I just wanted to visit. We have been planning my visit for a while and eventually we both found time for our outing. She just showed me the city of Bochum, which is bigger than I expected. There are also beautiful sights to see. I just wish my photography and editing skills were better.

Before this picture, she showed me around a park. Since the weather was lovely, we sat on the grass and caught up with one another. We didn’t talk much since the graduation, where we all went our separate ways. It was lovely to catch up again and see how life is like for the others after school.

It was interesting to me because, if you would tell my younger self that she would get out of school one day, she will think you are crazy. Honestly, back then I didn’t think much past high school. Now, I am out of it, this whole life just feels weird and a tad bit directionless. I am sure I am not the only one with that perspective, so it was interesting to find out what happened, not only because we are friends but also because I wanted to know how life has differed for others.

This picture is taken in a subway station. It is far from the prettiest subway station but I just thought the red-blue contrast looked interesting. 

This is just a picture of the German Mining Museum (Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum). My friend showed me the outside of the museum as part of the mini Bochum tour she gave me. The building was quite intimidating considering how tiny one looks beside it, otherwise, it was quite an interesting stop on the Bochum tour. It was a nice place to have a picnic and just chill on a sunny day. Sadly, the museum was not open on the day I visited so I did not get to find out the fascinating history behind the german mining industry, which is slowly dying anyway.

I don’t know why specifically but I was just genuinely surprised to see these kinds of poster poles. Turns out they have a name and are called Morris column. I was surprised to see those Morris columns in Bochum because they seemed a bit outdated to me and one does not see them around every day. It looks great, especially with the colourful advertisements posters. I have no idea why but they also gave a slightly nostalgic feeling, which is weird because it is the first time I truly noticed them.

This was just another park my friend showed me that day. The park was huge and the garden design did not disappoint. However, hate to hate this park but it was a bit bland to my taste. From this picture, everything just seems so green. There is no true colour. Even if my photography skills were better, it wouldn’t have made this photo more interesting. Don’t get me wrong, the pond, the small downhill hill and the trees look amazing but they are all so monotone green. The only “colourful” thing in this image is the sky.

This was a tower at the top of the park hill. Not sure what the exact purpose of the tower is but it is there. I just thought the way the trees are aligned just made it look interesting. What also surprised me is the fact that there are no people visible at the first glance. There are people but when one looks from the distance, they are not quite visible. It was a sunny day in Germany; of course, there would be tons of people sunbathing in parks.

Last but not least, flowers from that park. To my dismay, there was only one single row of colourful flowers. It could be that there were more flowers in the park but the path my friend showed me only had that row of flowers and the circle we walked around the park was quite big, so I was a bit disappointed about that aspect. At least I got some decent pictures out of that park and I am glad that some are not only green and blue.

I just liked how the sun shined on the flowers facing in that direction. It looked interesting. Maybe if I had a different camera angle and position, the picture would turn out better, since in this picture it just seems something is cut off. However, I decided to post this picture and that must mean something.

This collection is something. Again no theme. I can confidently say that is not my best work. I am confident that I can do better than this but this collection is just a stepping-stone towards those better pictures. Collateral damage if you will. However, I did enjoy taking, choosing and editing these pictures.

Am moving to my new university city soon, maybe there I will go out more and maybe find more things to photograph. The past few visits made me regret not bringing my camera, so when I move I will bring my camera and I will take pictures. Can´t guarantee that I will get decent photos, can´t guarantee that I will post them either but I will try my best to get good pictures.

Sidenote: This article is under 2000 words. Don’t know if I should celebrate or not.