Drawing (III)


This time I tried a less colourful drawing where I just used one colour and their light counterpart to create a foggy mysterious effect. Maybe I overdo it with the mountains because in real life there would never be as many mountains but that is what art is all about I guess.

Since it is tradition at this point, I also made sure to add a drawing to this collection that will stick out like a sore thumb. Frankly, I have done the same with the last collection as well but this time it’s more obvious than the last.

Maybe it is just me but I feel rather nostalgic when I see these pictures because I grew up going to places with mountains that are rather foggy. The sense of mystery is not lost on me when I spend a second too long staring at these pictures.

Just like last time, if you like those drawings, all my pictures are available for download. Just follow the link below:
