Drawing (IV)

I guess one can call me a one-trick pony because when there is something I like to do, I overdo it most of the time and I get sick of it and find another thing that I can ruin for myself. That is how I know that if I want something to last I should take my time and never overdo it.

Just like last time, this collection is rather monotone but unlike last time I did not choose the colours myself, I just let the random generator choose. However, just like last time I decided to keep the tradition alive. This time it is more obvious than the rest. Nine mountains and one leaf.

Can´t say that this collection is my favourite collection because it isn’t. The colour scheme is not my favourite and believe me when I say that I have made some questionable colour scheme decisions in the past.

Just like last time, if you like those drawings, all my pictures are available for download. Just follow the link below:
