Fashion Designs

Frankly, I have been pondering about if I should post any of my designs because of how basic they look. I felt insecure to post something I was not too proud about. There are some things that are to be desired.

Yet, I still felt the urge to post the first time I drew on a tablet since I know what is to come is going to be better and it is nice to track progress even for something as inconsequential as some free time doodles.

I guess designing is a way to step out of my comfort zone. Use a little bit of imagination on a dull day. Think of creative ways to think outside the box. Put one own spin on old classics.

Here is a little backstory of why I started drawing designs in my free time. The reason for this creative surge is that I am a person who knows exactly what I want, and it is unlikely for me to leave a store unless I find what I am looking for.

Frankly, that is such a huge waste of time since I know what I want won´t exactly be there for me to buy. Rarely the item I want does exist and it is wonderful if what I want is readily available. Nevertheless, the exception is not the rule.

Most of the time, one must compromise and get the item that is closest to what is being imagined. It is somewhat disappointing yet the time spent not chasing something that probably does not exist is significant.

The solution to this problem would be to not have too high standards but I like to be able to imagine the best combination of clothing so I can look the best with the least amount of effort and consideration.

If my shopping habits were completely up to me, I would buy bulks of the same item, so I don’t have to put any thought into what I am wearing and focus on what is truly important. Nevertheless, Steve Job’s wardrobe trick is not an option considering that I do like a change once in a while.

Since I cannot let my imagination run wild in real life, I instead turned to draw the things I like so at the very least my vision would be able to live on paper. Frankly, doodling is also a great way to passively pass time during lectures.

It is not as if I am going to make the clothes myself since I know it can be exhausting it can be and more importantly, I know myself. I know what I am capable of and sadly I am far better off on paper than in 3D. Don´t bother looking for my three-dimensional artworks since they all ended up where they belong.

For anyone who is asking, I only used turquoise to draw the designs because it is my first batch of digital designs and I did not put too much effort into making it look good, which I regret deeply to this day.

Before anyone wonders, I hate to redraw anything because the first draft somehow always looks better than whatever draft I end up with. Besides, I did not put too much thought into the colour pallet of each design either because I didn’t believe I would need it. Without further ado…

This outfit is inspired by a music video I forgot. I just adored it so much that I decided to put my spin on that outfit. It turned into a business yet not quite adequate for the normal office space outfit that looks edgy and purposeful.

In my mind, this outfit would be perfect in midnight blue with golden or silver buttons. The shaded area can be a darker or lighter shade of blue, yet I am not too sure if I like that overlap skirt style in the first place.

This design is more daring in my opinion ideal for a western-themed bar night. The vest should ideally be made from leather with a denim low-rise jeans skirt. What I adore about this outfit is how bold it is with the backless back and shirtless top. I also adore the general asymmetrical design of this top. To be fair, I just really adore any outfit that has an asymmetrical style especially ball gowns since it just looks freeing yet not too revealing.

As mentioned above, I really adore an asymmetrical skirt with a short front and a long back. Since the dress already opens at the waist, there is a mini pencil skirt underneath.

I think this dress was inspired by an outfit from gossip girl and I don’t want to do too much to change the original design since I adore it just the way it is. Nevertheless, I would change the overall colour scheme of the original dress since I am not the biggest fan of leopard print alike patterns. Though I must admit a gold coloured dress with a blue belt and necklace does look amazing. This look would be ideal for a black-tie charity event.

With this dress, I was just playing around with the concept of complete symmetry but I still couldn’t resist the asymmetrical skirt. This dress would be ideal to test out contrast like the digital remastering of the first draft.

Nevertheless, this dress could also be used to try out a fading colour starting from the centre of the dress and fading out the hems of the dress. I imagine that it could look cool and provide a whole variety of colours.

Since this outfit is more revealing, I believe this is more for a yacht party than anything.

A fun fact about this outfit is that I was too incompetent to remove my shirt fully and one arm got stuck. In my defence, tight turtle neck shirts are generally hard to remove. Luckily, for me, I was standing in front of a mirror at that time because when I saw my reflection, I thought that this could make a cool shirt.

Now all that shirt needed was a pair of pants and since wide-leg pants are trending, I thought why not. In my mind, this could look awesome with the shirt being white and the pants being black or beige. This could be ideal for the every fashionable day.

The inspiration for this outfit came somewhat directly from the runway since I always admired outfits with something pointing out from the shoulder. After the wrap-around design idea failed, I turned to make the skirt whole.

The colour for this one should be more vibrant since this could make a cool club dress.

This outfit came a bit from the 18th-century noble class men’s wear. Now it looks a bit like a circus director outfit but I found it incredibly adorable so I kept it.

The blazar should ideally be dark blue. The shirt should be white, and the skirt should be a golden yellow. The reason for that colour pallet is that I don’t want to play too much into the circus director stereotype.

I currently can´t think of any time or place where this outfit would be adequate besides a costume party, and you know… the circus.

The reason for my hesitancy to post these designs is not only because of the lack of quality but also because I am unsure where the line is between the original design and your design since when it comes to creativity it is such a thin line where one can easily end up on the wrong side of. I hope that I didn’t step on anyone´s feet with anything.
