The 100th article

Photo by tookapic (Pixbay)


Wow, it feels surreal to be writing the 100th article for my blog. It has been 100 articles and I am still standing. Frankly, I thought that I would run out of ideas on what to write after the first 50 articles, but I still have so much I want to write about.

To be honest, I also have no idea where all the topics come from because I can´t write a whole article about every topic out there. For instance, star wars, I have seen the movies but I don’t have thoughts about it that the star wars fans didn´t already rip apart and analyzed to death.

It has already been one and a half years... nearly two now thinking about it. It is somewhat unrealistic having written 100 articles and spent more than 1000 of hours working on my blog just feels odd. It is even weirder to think of it as mine. My blog, my articles and my time spend.

All of this is my work but it doesn’t feel like it. I see the planned posts on Instagram and I do see the articles I have posted but it always seemed as if someone else worked hours on it and not me who spend hours to make articles and posts happen.

Technically, the present me didn’t work on those articles and didn’t post the posts on Instagram. Past me did. However, that is not my point. My point is that I am having some sort of distance from my work.

Don’t get me wrong, I do remember working on each article. I can even take you through the whole process of writing each article because each article started vastly differently even if they ended up as the same 2000-word article online.

To a certain extent, it feels as if I am watching myself do all the work from an outside perspective. This time distance between when the article was written and when each article is published is just so big that sometimes it feels as if someone else did all the work and I get to harvest the fruits of someone else´s labour.

Whenever I see my work published, my brain is like “huh, I did do that once, didn’t I?”. That just makes every published article feel surreal and the 100th article just feels unreal. It has been nearly two years at this point and 100 articles.

It is just a weird feeling. Not that it is a huge accomplishment or anything because anyone can put more than 200000 words on a page if they truly wanted to. I would only consider this a huge accomplishment if I manage the 1000th article because that would truly surprise me in a good way.

Just writing this article got me very confused because I am excited about writing this article but I don’t quite understand the reason as to why I am so excited. With the 99 articles before this one, I didn’t get as excited.

I guess this excitement is my mind´s weird way to tell the rest of me that it is proud? I don’t know. However, I am proud even though this is not the biggest accomplishment in my life. I guess I am proud because I did all this by myself.

Setting up the blog, writing the articles, designing the images, posting each article, and posting each post on Instagram. It might not seem like a lot but I did that all by myself through a lot of trial and error and I couldn’t be happier with myself at this point.

There are a lot of tips and tricks that were picked up along the way. I am sure there are more tips and tricks to come in the future. Just like how I believe that I just started with this whole blog journey of mine even though it started long before (see my blog journey).

There are still many great things to come and I can somewhat see them before me already. Funnily, when I first started, I couldn’t have predicted any of this because I thought that this would have become another DIY blog.

Just like how I can´t actually see what I want to do before me. I have a plan but just like the first time everything I plan can and will be deviated from so, I am not sure if what I am doing now is what I will do in the future. But for the not-so-distant future, I have my plans.

Now I have finished the big things I wanted to tackle like love and friendships, I thought I would be aimless but now I have found what I adore doing. Conducting social experiments and pushing myself out of my comfort zones. I am just so excited about the stupid random ideas I might come up with in the future.

This blog is something I never knew I needed, I guess. Some place where I could write down all my memories and sort out my thoughts. A place where I can explore the unknown and maybe learn a thing or two.

As much as I love reflecting on my life, I do hate to reread my old articles because it will just make me freak out over the smallest details. For instance, mistakes that past me made. Or new thoughts that dive deeper into the article that just scratched the surface.

Once an article is online, it is out of my life forever. However, the lessons learnt from them will stay with me forever. If I do end up forgetting, I have an article online just waiting for me to reread and freak out about it. Maybe I will start to rewrite some old articles, I don’t know. Let´s see.

With this article, I am not pushing 2000 words so I will stop wasting your time if you read every word up to this point. Frankly, I also didn’t know where I would go with this article because it feels surreal and I didn’t have anything planned, so… I am wasting my time and yours. (I promise the next article will be back to the normal gibber gabber I used to write.)

With lots of love

Aurelia J Hunter