Landloping in London Pt. 3

I swear that this is the last article about London, and I also swear that I didn’t plan on writing this much about London but London just possesses so much to write about and I just couldn’t resist writing about every last detail I noticed.

Since we had a late train to catch in the evening, we didn’t have much planned for the day since the whole luggage logistics got a bit complicated and was a huge pain in the arse. At the end of the day, we had it figured out but that wasn´t ideal and still really annoying.

At first, we wanted to go to the design museum since there were plenty of museums in London with no entrance fee, but we had already been to most and the design museum was really the last one which would have piqued our interest.

However, due to an unfortunate clash with the bus and our day schedule, it seemed rather counterproductive to go to the design museum so instead we just got off at a random stop on the way to the design museum.

To be honest, the bus stop we got off at was not completely random since it was chosen in a split-second decision. We got off at the stop which led to the Kensington Palace. The only palace in London my mother wanted to visit but we didn’t quite manage to visit due to unfortunate timing.

Nevertheless, Kensington Palace did have a lovely park next to it. Much to no one´s surprise the park is named Kensington Garden. So we spend the morning strolling through the garden eventually ending up at the Royal Albert Hall again.

On our walk, we walked past beautiful scenery and much to my surprise the park was well-kept like every other park in London. I am still surprised at how a huge park could be kept in pristine conditions with little to no one walking around keeping it.

When we arrived at the Royal Albert Hall again, we took the bus to Leicester Square since we wanted to go watch a movie in London. Since we were a tad early, we strolled through Leicester Square and I finally found the attraction I was looking for.

The bronze statues of cinematic cynosures. There are characters like Mary Poppins, Harry Potter, and other iconic silver screen legends. However, I must admit that it was not quite as I expected since the statues were small and I also must confess that I didn’t find all the characters.

Finally, the movie is about to start since we chose an earlier screening time we didn’t get to watch the movie in the same theatre as the one where the London premiere of the movie took place but it was the same movie theatre company in Leicester Square so it probably would have been the same experience.

For the people who are asking which movie we went to, we went to the Barbie movie in Odeon Luxe in Leicester Square. After getting the popcorn and drinks, we went into the theatre and our mind was blown by the comfortable seats.

It is the first theatre I have been to with reclinable seats and a tray for the food. The seats were also incredibly private so you could feel as if you were watching the movie alone. It was quite the experience to have at least once in a lifetime, but I can most certainly say I will go there again.

The movie was okay. I mean don’t get me wrong, it was a good movie but it was one which was overhyped. For sure, I can´t say if it weren´t overhyped I would have enjoyed it more but I liked the message of the movie very much and the story was not as straightforward as I thought it would be which is another plus in my eyes.

Since we still had plenty of time to kill after the movie and before the sleeper train, we decided to stroll down the famous Oxford Street. To be honest, the high-end stores didn’t quite catch my fancy but the architecture most certainly did. I liked the design and layout of the building. It is just a nice change of scenery.

After walking down Oxford Street, we eventually ended up back at the hotel to pick up the luggage we left there. Then we went to a nail salon in the area to have our nails done because we still had plenty of time to kill.

With our nails done and luggage in hand, we made our way to Euston station where the train would depart. Since we still had plenty of time to kill and time seem to go by very slowly when you are bored, we went to King´s Cross since it was nearby.

Harry Potter would know what there is but for the people who don’t. We went to the famous Platform 9 ¾. There is not much to see since the Platform for muggles are just a wall and since we are all muggles with no Hogwarts letter nobody could pass through to see the real platform.

However, there was a Harry Potter store nearby where Harry Potter fans could shop to their heart's desire with all the fan necessities imaginable. Since I wasn’t much of a Harry Potter fan myself, I didn’t get anything even though there were some really cool souvenirs.

There was a photo shoot opportunity so you can pretend to run onto Platform 9 ¾ and go to Hogwarts. But only truly dedicated people would take a photo since the line to take a photo is so long and I am impatient and don´t need a photo of myself running onto the platform.

So instead of waiting in line to take a photo pretending to be a wizard and take the train to Hogwarts, we went to dinner near the Euston Station. The Malaysian restaurant which had a line, was in my opinion not worth the wait but that is just my opinion.

After dinner, it was nearly time to board the train to Scotland and I was getting excited since it would be my first time on a sleeper train and I find the sleeper train concept really convenient so if the whole sleeping on a train works out for me, I have found a new way of time-efficient travelling.

Since I couldn’t find the platform on which the sleeper train was since we were a bit early, we waited in the station for a bit but not too long since I eventually found out that there is an online display for the platforms.

Before everyone else it seemed, we made our way to the platform and were greeted by incredibly nice staff who showed us where to go. Well, there wasn´t much to show since it was a train and not a labyrinth, but the staff were incredibly friendly and welcoming.

Much to my surprise, the check-in process was not as arduous as in regular hotels. The staff had a list of guests who would stay the night and they just asked for personal details, told us everything we needed to know and immediately showed us to the room.

Excitedly, I made my way down the narrow hallway leading to the rooms and found the one we would be staying. I shouldn’t have been surprised when I found the narrow room we would be staying in that evening but I was still surprised to find such a narrow room.

There wasn’t any space for items of luggage or anything. Me and my mother could barely fit in there together and changing in there was kind of a pain in the arse due to its narrowness. However, if everything is settled the room was quite comfortable.

Besides a sink and a bunk bed, there wasn’t much in the room. Of course, there were cloth hangers with hooks and a mirror but to be very honest, not much. However, the communal toilet had plenty of space. There were showers in some parts of the train, but I didn’t want to look for showers.

In all honesty, I just don’t think I would have wanted to take a shower on the train just like how I wouldn’t take a shower on a plane. Even though it might seem idiotic after a day of travel to not shower but I just couldn't get myself to use the shower in moving vehicles, I would rather wait to shower at the destination.

That evening, I just brushed my teeth and went to bed immediately. The room came with complimentary water, a sleeping mask, earplugs and hand soap. Beside the bed was a small stand for personal belongings and sockets to charge electronic devices.

It took some time to get used to but the bed was comfortable. Since I was paranoid, I tested if I could fall out of bed in the middle of the night but I tried and I couldn’t so I could rest in peace. And then the train started moving.

You could hear the tracks underneath you and how the train rocked and if I can be honest, I found it incredibly soothing while my mother seems to think the opposite. It was like being rocked to sleep and I enjoyed it very much.

Until the train had to go around a corner and everything in the train moved with the movement of the train including a deep asleep little old me. I had the sense of falling/moving when I was asleep and I didn’t quite enjoy that as much as I did the rest of the train ride.

All in all, I could see myself taking sleeper trains more often in the future since it is quite an efficient way of travel, and it just feels so amazing to wake up in another country the next morning. I liked how the train rocked me to sleep and how I found the moving train soothing.

There were a few disadvantages to sleeper train travel. For instance, it is not for everyone since my mother didn’t like the rocking at all and couldn’t sleep all night. And you miss the beautiful scenery and landscape the trains lead you through. Other than that I don’t have anything bad to say.

Well, and early wake-up time. The train arrived at 7 am in the morning and there was no such thing as late check out so when the train arrived, you packed your bags and left. The good part is that you can have breakfast brought to your room (breakfast costs extra) and a complimentary breakfast drink.

Then here we are in Glasgow, Scotland. It felt like a miracle if I can be honest. I know I am old enough to know that it was a train which took us through the country from London to Glasgow but it still felt like magic because you went to sleep in England and woke up in Scotland.

Even though I believe I had my full eight hours of sleep, I woke up feeling drowsy. Maybe it was because I woke up because of the falling feeling I mentioned above. Or because I woke up way too early and didn’t have proper time to get up.

Next time, I would make sure that I don’t leave anything in the suitcases because opening a suitcase in a tiny space is a logistical nightmare. Maybe I would prepare a sleepover bag for the next time but until that day comes it might still be a while.

This three-part article concludes my trip to London. I really like going to London no matter how often I have been there because there is always something new and exciting to find. It is also always great to see iconic landmarks again even though you have already been because every time I see London Eye or Big Ben again, I am awestruck as if it was my first time visiting the iconic landmark.

I hope I get to go to England again soon since I would miss everything about England even the horrific traffic in city centres where car horns are musical instruments and traffic lights are suggestions rather than obligation.